Residency and Fellowship Programs

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Welcome to the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center Pharmacy Residency Training Programs sponsored by the College of Pharmacy in affiliation with OU Health. Our goal is to provide excellent preparation for your career in pharmacy, and we firmly believe that you will find your educational experience rewarding at the University of Oklahoma. We are pleased to provide you with information on our residency and fellowship programs.

The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center (OUHSC) campus in Oklahoma City provides an environment of stimulating clinical training while forwarding our tradition of excellence. The College of Pharmacy and its affiliated institutions provide residency programs that meet the standards established by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) Accreditation Services Division. The institutional oversight of residency programs and affairs at the OU College of Pharmacy is conducted through its Residency Review Committee (RRC).

The OUHSC campus offers a broad range of residency programs including PGY1 pharmacy, PGY1 managed care, as well as PGY2 programs in the following specialty areas: ambulatory care, internal medicine, pediatrics, oncology, infectious diseases and critical care. As a pharmacist in residency training, your primary responsibilities will be participating in the educational aspects of your program and in the direct care of patients under the supervision of program preceptors. Our programs provide a unique opportunity for enrichment through working with preceptors who have diverse practice interests. Each program is designed with a degree of flexibility so that learning experiences may be tailored to resident interests.

Some of the unique features of the OUHSC Residency Training Programs include:

Resident Rounds Learning Series

Resident Rounds is a weekly curriculum that addresses topics related to health systems management, research, teaching, poster presentations, interviewing, mentoring, and self-assessment, among others. Residents gain experience in literature evaluation and clinical decision-making through presentations at journal clubs and of patient cases. Additionally, many sessions are reserved for activities to promote wellness throughout the residency year. 

Resident Research Committees

A team-based research committee is customized for each resident and includes the residency program director, an expert in the practice area in which research will be conducted, and an expert in study design, data analysis, and statistical methods. The committee supports the resident through each step of the process, providing the mentorship and resources necessary for a successful research experience. Residents also complete a research curriculum which includes OUHSC Institutional Review Board (IRB) certification for conducting human research and research training sessions in Resident Rounds.

Members of the Residency Review Committee (RRC) conducted an analysis of the OUCOP team-based research program from 2011-2019. They found 39 of the 73 residents (52.1%) published their research project, and the majority of the residents (n=54: 74.0%) had a subsequent publication. See the published article for more details, doi: 10.1093/ajhp/zxac233 (Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2022;79:2141-2149).

Teaching, Learning, Precepting Curriculum Certificate Programs

Because of the importance of teaching in pharmacy practice, OU College of Pharmacy has developed a structured teaching and learning curriculum (TLC) for its residents. Each resident receives an appointment as a clinical instructor within the College of Pharmacy, in the Department of Pharmacy: Clinical and Administrative Sciences and participates in various aspects of teaching. These include educational workshops, practice lab teaching, facilitation of small group activities, lecture and rotation teaching and student assessment. For PGY2 programs, these activities are tailored to the individual goals of the resident and may involve more clinical teaching rather than classroom-based teaching. Mentorship is provided with each teaching activity as well as regular feedback on performance. Upon successful completion of all the elements of this curriculum, residents receive a teaching certificate.

Members of the RRC conducted a survey of residency graduates from OUCOP from 2011-2020. Of the 75 residents surveyed, 39 (52%) responded. The majority (n=28, 71.8%) currently practice as a clinical specialist, while 11 (28.2%) are full-time faculty members. There was a significant difference between current faculty versus clinical specialists who provide didactic instruction in a college of pharmacy, 11 (100%) versus 11 (39.3%), p<0.001. The majority precept students/residents (94.9%) and have delivered >1 CE presentation (94.9%). Most respondents (>90%) would recommend the TLC program See the published article for more details, doi:10.1093/ajhp/zxad057 (Am J Health Syst Pharm; 2023;80:765-771). 


Brittany Soriano
College of Pharmacy
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
1110 N. Stonewall Avenue, Room 135
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73126-0901

Telephone: (405) 271-6484 ×47288
FAX: (405) 271-3531

Residency and Fellowship Programs